Mosque Open House Campaign 2017

Please enter the coupon code you were provided to order the Mosque Open House Bundle in the box below.

Upon using the coupon code to place an order for this bundle you: 

  • Are are placing an order for the MOH Bundle for the first time.
  • Have requested in writing for these materials provided at no cost,
  • Are willing to organize promote a Mosque Open House (MOH) or a Visit My Mosque (VMM) day within the next 30 days.
  • Believe that you can attract a minimum of 200 non-Muslim visitors to your mosque at your MOH or VMM Day.
  • Promises to document the MOH or VMM Day and provide Discover Islam feedback in the form of pictures, videos, statistical figures (number of people who visited etc.) and any responses from the guests; and
  • Promise to provide Discover Islam with an official thank you letter on a letterhead.
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